Have You suffered A Heart Attack Or Cardiac Trauma 
That has left you feeling vulnerable and uncertain about the future

You have been given a second chance, an opportunity to improve your health & make positive changes in your life. By focusing on the Two Key Factors, in this FREE guide you can take control of your Heart Health & reduce the risk of a future cardiac event. 

It might just save your life...


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What is often overlooked is the effect that a Heart Attack or other cardiac event can have on your loved ones. Your family members have been worried sick about you, and they have been standing by your side, hoping and praying that you would make it through this. They have felt the same fear and uncertainty as you, wondering if they would lose you forever.

That is why it is so important that you take care of yourself now.

I've been a Qualified BACPR Cardiac Therapist for over 20 years, successfully rehabbing thousands of heart patients & within this FREE guide i'll show you what you can do to take the first steps to begin restoring Your Heart Health today!

  • Key 1 - Exercise is crucial for your heart health. It helps improve blood flow, reduces stress and can even reverse some of the damage that has been done to your heart. We understand that starting to exercise can be daunting, but we will guide you through the process and help you create a plan that is tailored to your abilities.
  • Key 2 - Diet eating a heart-healthy diet can help lower your blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and lower your risk of heart disease. We will guide you to develop a healthy eating plan that will provide you with the nutrients and energy you need to live a healthy life.

    Plus You'll Get A FREE 2 Part PDF Guide

"Put simply, cardiac rehabilitation saves lives"

Professor Patrick Doherty, Director of the National Audit of Cardiac Rehabilitation