Benefits Of Cardiac Exercise

cardiac rehab exercise heart patients heart patients training home exercise online cardiac exercises workouts for heart patients Feb 01, 2022

How do you know that doing rehab exercises are going to benefit your heart health? How often should you exercise? How hard should you exercises? How long should you exercise for? What type of exercise is best for you? These are all valid questions…Let me introduce you to the FITT principle.

In this guide I will outline my “Top benefits every Heart Patient should know about Cardiac Rehab”. Our channel is Specifically designed for heart patients, to assist in their recovery and getting back to normal life.

We see more and more information on exercising in recent years, it’s every where, from joggers doing the London Marathon, Worlds strongest Man, trendy exercise routines like Yoga & Pilates, adverts for specialist home gym equipment and the list goes on and on ! One small problem for heart patients most of this mainstream exercise and their products aren’t really suitable for Heart Patients. So where does that leave you guys ?

We know that’s it important to do exercise but here are many variables that need to be addressed to ensure that your exercise programme is part of the solution and doesn’t become another problem !

In this guide I will outline what you can do to get the most from your efforts, with as little risk as possible by following the FITT principle.


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