Main Reasons Why Heart Patients Should Revisit Their Doctor

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Do you Know the warning signs ?

When heart patients should revisit their Doctor

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In certain circumstances it is appropriate to go back to your doctor, to discuss your current health status. After a cardiac event your journey back to normal life doesn’t always go smoothly. Here are the signs to look out for.


Deteriorating exercise performance or functional capacity despite apparent compliance with the prescribed exercise regime and medication.


Worsening of angina or development of unstable angina despite apparent compliance with the prescribed medication.


Worsening of other symptoms e.g. suspected arrhythmias, excessive breathlessness despite apparent compliance with the prescribed medication.


Any further cardiac event


Uncontrolled tachycardia (>100bpm at rest) - If you're sitting down and feeling calm, your heart shouldn't beat more than about 100 times per minute. A heartbeat that's faster than this, also called tachycardia, is a reason to go to the emergency department and get checked out.


Resting SBP systolic blood pressure, measures the force your heart exerts on the walls of your arteries each time it beats. (the number on top or first) >180 mmHg 


Resting DBP diastolic blood pressure, measures the force your heart exerts on the walls of your arteries in between beats. (the bottom or second number)>100mmHg


Symptomatic hypertension - Hypertension is high blood pressure in the systemic arteries - the vessels that carry blood from the heart to the body's tissues (other than the lungs). High systemic (or body) blood pressure is usually caused by the narrowing of the small arteries (arterioles). This can be identified by chest pain, headache, accompanied by confusion and blurred vision, nausea and vomiting and Severe anxiety.

If you have experienced any of these factors above, you should revisit your doctor as soon as possible to be on the safe side. 

In Health & Happiness



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