Reduce Stress in 5 mins or Less
Mar 14, 2022
If you knew this one simple technique for reducing stress years ago, you may have been able to deal with stress better, reduce high blood pressure and avoid a heart condition, but it’s not too late.
You can quickly learn the simple steps to creating coherence and balance in your cardiovascular system, in only 5 minutes per day. These simple techniques will assist in prevention of further heart health related issues, so you can live & stress-less.
In only 5 minutes per day you can learn to reduce your stress levels - let me show you how.
Stress is essentially the cause of pretty much all common diseases today - wether its stress about finances, work, relationships or something else. When stress is prolonged we eventually succumb to the pressures of the stress running out of physical mental and emotional energy and this is when a disease state takes hold…
So what can we do about it ? Well have you ever noticed how some people can become very angry, frustrated, or impatient with situations, whilst other people - not much seems to bother them and they tend to sail through life without getting overly upset by much at all ?
This is all about perception, perception of how our internal environment reacts to the external environment - or how we view things outside of us, so here’s an example, if we are very rigid and stuck in our ways, then when things don’t go according to plan we can react in a way that is stressful to our bodies and over time can be very damaging its like driving a car with one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake and constantly going from one to the other, rather than gliding along at 70 effortlessly.
So let me show you how you can glide along effortlessly and keep those stress levels in check…
Heart Math have devised a system and wearable technology which has been scientifically proven to reduce stress. This means that by following the very simple techniques that I will show you, in only 5 minutes per day you can transform your stress levels and improve your heart health.
You don’t need any technology, all you need is to be able to focus into your heart, focus your thoughts, whilst breathing smoothly and evenly. The beauty of learning this technique is that you can do it anywhere at anytime and no one will even know that you are practising it.
#1- Breathing techniques have been scientifically proven to help the body in many ways; detoxification, reducing muscle tension and quietening the mind are just a few.
#2 - Heart Math Institute have scientifically studied how your thoughts and emotions will effect the way your heart works and wether it is stressed or balanced or what we call “Coherence”. Did you know that the heart sends twenty times more information to the brain, than the brain sends to the heart. The heart is running the show - Not the brain…Is it time to become more heart focused.
#3 - Mental Health is a huge topic at the moment and rightly so. It influences how our physical body works and how it feels, for example when we are stressed we often get caught up in the mind (monkey mind) can often result in our neck and shoulders becoming very stiff, tight and causing tension headaches, or we can have an upset stomach when overly nervous, stressed or anxious.
They are just a few examples of how stress impacts us but there are many, many more that I am sure you are already aware of.
Stress is related to Diabetes Sleep problems Hormonal issues weight gain Heart disease and many other common health complaints today —> so are we ready to try out the The Technique:
- Sit comfortably in a straight backed chair. Begin breathing in & out preferably through your nose at steady rate of about 5 seconds in - 5 seconds out, without long pauses at either end of breath cycle. 1 minute
- Once you have a steady rhythm for the breathing then imagine the breath flowing into and out of the heart area. 1 minute
- Place your hand on your heart as you breath in and out steadily. 1 mins
- Now imagine a place, person or thing, that you are truly grateful for & immerse yourself into that experience, use all of your senses to bring it to life... 2 mins
So I hope you enjoyed that few minutes to connect into yourself and with your heart, there is a huge benefit to practicing this daily and especially before any stressful events that you may have to deal with.
Summary - It is proven that in just 5 minutes per day you can attune your system to becoming more balanced, reducing stress and improving heart health. Take just 5 mins every morning to set the scene for coherence for the day ahead - practice these techniques throughout the day when possible.
In Health & Happiness
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